Friday, July 15, 2005

Difference between linux and DOS(Windows)

Please note that all the difference between Linux and MS-DOS applies to MS Windows also unless stated otherwise.

Linux is case sensitive, whereas DOS is not.
  • Linux filename can contain a maximum of 256 letters including special characters, where as DOS can contain only 11 characters (8 for name+3 for extension). Windows is a special case here, it may contain 256 characters.
  • Shell for linux is bash(Bourne Again SHell)-most of the time and that for DOS is COMMAND.COM. For Windows it is EXPLORER.EXE
  • Linux supports file system security by default. DOS and Windows 9x does not support file system security. Only Windows NT/2K/XP allows file system security.
  • Linux is a multi user operating system. DOS is not. Windows is a multi user operating system.
  • Linux represents all the devices connected to your computer as files. For eg: your monitor is a file. This is not the case for DOS.
  • Linux supports networking by itself. But DOS does not. Windows also supports networking.
  • Linux is a multi-tasking OS, whereas DOS is not. Windows is also Multi-tasking.

  • These are the some of the more pronounced diffrences. More may folllow.
    Oops!, I forgot the major diffrence, Linux is free and open source. But for M$ Windows or M$ DOS, you need to spend money.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    kool diffies ... :)